Money Machine Is So Important

Are you ready to achieve financial freedom?

If you’re like most people, the answer is a resounding “yes.” But how can you make that happen? The key is to build a money machine.

Building your machine.

If you’ve been following me and watching my content, you know that I talk a lot about building the velocity of money machines. When you build your machine, it changes everything. It’s like a small gear that drives a bigger gear that drives a bigger gear, and you keep bolting on things. But if you don’t start the gears, never move. You have to have that drive, that piece that moves, it starts everything. And that is the most important part, getting started.

People often say, “Oh, when I get money, I’m going to do this.” Unfortunately, unless you get really lucky, it’s not going to happen. You have to plan, you have to do the little things. But creating your own money machine is the simplest way to do it. And it makes everything so easy because all you’re doing is increasing your savings. It’s not rocket science.

Why You Need A Money Machine. 

When you build your money machine, it’s designed to get you rich slowly. Yes, you can bolt things on that might get you the next crypto thing or whatever, but that’s later on down the line. What we want to do now is build your machine. You need to have it moving all the time, so it’s constantly creating more money for you. And it’s so simple once it’s running, but if you never build it, it’s not going to do anything. It’s like having a car engine and not putting gas in it. You’re not going to go drive anywhere. So you’ve got to build the machine and get it running.

You create the automation.

The automation drives the machine. You’re building up your savings, your savings are growing. Then you’re like, “Hey, my financial freedom account has a lot of money. What do I do with it?” And that’s where the fun part comes in. You can go over different options. But if you don’t do it, it’s not going to happen. So as you build it, it keeps getting bigger and bigger and stronger. And then it becomes this massive machine.

I’ve seen it all the time with clients that do the work and get it set up. And once it’s set up, it just runs. Then you just go in there and you drop a little oil on there. Maybe you change the percentages, change the amount, nothing crazy. As I said, you can operate this thing in just an hour a month. 

You don’t have to worry about tracking investments. You don’t have to stress out because you don’t know what to do. This is all about savings, building up your savings. And now with interest rates the way they are, you have high-yield savings accounts that offer over 3% or 4% sometimes. So you’re actually getting a decent return, and you’re not doing anything and you’re not risking anything.

So, build your money machine. 

If you have any questions, drop them below. I’d be more than happy to answer. And remember, getting started is the most important part.

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